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[Online Shopping]

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Click to Shop: Risingtaste.com

[Columnist: Angelina Almaraz]

Got a thing for online shopping? Don’t like to mess with all the people who wander around not really knowing what to wear and come out still not liking their choices…?

Well here’s another online store to click away at: Risingtaste.com

Based in China, Risingtaste supplies an extensive collection of Asian fashions from Korea, Japan and China to many boutiques worldwide. The site is also available for independent purchases even though it does cater more towards bulk purchases for stores.

The style: Anything from nerdy chic, vintage-esque or dinner date appropriate will be found in the catalog of the site. Lace tops, trendy playsuits/rompers, flower child floral dresses and biker boots will definitely make you wanna buy. Putting together a look will be outright effortless!

Shipping to just about every country in the world, Risingtaste has super cute clothes for much less! Prices ranging from as low as $10, up to around $50. With apparel, shoes and hair accessories; the site has it all. Plus it could all be yours in just a matter of clicks. From time to time the site offers great sales for holidays. Also if you aren’t sure about sizing, they break it down with size charts and size conversions.

Once you register here you can start shopping!

*We do advise to remember to grab a comfy seat and have your credit card handy, cause you’re going to want everything!

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